Management Consulting

As a management consultant and partner of Global Solutions Europe, I support your company in key disciplines, such as price & condition systems, revenue growth management and development of international multi-channel-strategies.

Sales management

As a specialist for key account teams, I share my concepts of excellent sales management and sustainable increase of business volume.

Interim Management

In the position of an interim manager, I offer to support you as a sales director and to assure trouble-free process management until you hire your favourite candidate.

Innovative mindset and established process management for your company

Due to my years of experience in national & international sales for well known consumer goods manufacturers in the B2B as well as B2C sector, I am an expert of the entire value chain. As a senior management consultant, I share my expertise in digital transformation and case-related change management with business partners. Under my supervision, companies achieve both an economic and value-driven ethos of modern management. 

Modern leadership, motivation psychology, and interdisciplinary national and international entrepreneurship are my core competencies as a sales expert. I assist companies in optimizing and re-organizing their business units. This expertise is essential to actively generate sustainable and quantifiable values for customers on all levels.


Management Consulting

As a management consultant and partner of Global Solutions Europe, I support your company in key disciplines, such as price & condition systems, revenue growth management and development of international multi-channel-strategies.

My recommendations for sustainable growth of national and pan-European e-commerce strategies integrate multi-perspectivity and a pronounced sense for target groups, channels of sales and the market itself.

Since nearly three decades as a sales leader, I have been focused on business volume and revenue. I actively support you in all project phases and their implementation. In the framework of management consulting, I share my know-how in optimizing price & condition systems and help your company to implement efficient measurements to (re-)structure your business and to learn proven and successful selling tools.

Sales management

Successful companies are founded on sales concepts of visionary strategy to persuade employees and customers. As a specialist for key account teams, I share my concepts of excellent sales management and sustainable increase of business volume.

Optimization of business processes requires expertise and willingness to change. I offer to establish an optimal framework for sales and efficient sales organization. Under my supervision, your company will essentially benefit from a harmony with international standards of sales, marketing, and promotion concepts as well as the implementation of product portfolios within the marketing mix to become a market leader.

I will support your company and sales team in the implementation of responsible and sustainable governance to succeed in even ambitious business goals.

Interim Management

In the position of an interim manager, I offer to support you as a sales director and to assure trouble-free process management until you hire your favourite candidate.

I am delighted to share my expertise of sales management to help your company succeeding in flexible and modern management concepts in near future. My key competencies are:

  • Identification and implementation of targeted tools for optimized process management

  • (Re-)structure or strategic re-alignment of business processes for crisis management

  • Analysis of an international growth profile and implementation of selective distribution channels

  • Implementation of pan-European e-commerce in close collaboration with Amazon and further marketing platforms

For all these processes, I will assist you in moderation and mediation of practical solutions to ensure an increase of your company value and company output.

About Me

My name is Johannes Lichter. I graduated from the University of Saarbrücken, Germany, in business administration with specialization in trade markets and business informatics in 1988. Since then, I have focused on all aspects of sales management and marketing of consumer products. As a management consultant and pro-active sales expert, my profound knowledge is based on my experiences of being a management director with numerous achievements. My passion for visionary changes has helped me to accomplish these – projects which have had present aftereffects for the companies until now.

For more than 25 years, I have focused on national and international sales projects and sales processes: I gained first sales experiences during university, later I worked in so-called classical sales positions, and finally as a director of sales for global brands in the field of consumer products.

Thoughtful reflections on a wide range of perspectives and operational efficacy are the ground truth of all my market and business analyses as well as recommendations for your company. These are combined with empathy and responsible leadership to a profound and visionary strategy of growth and revenue. My success has been built on:

  • Transparent measurements of re-structuring in business processes

  • Excellent and sustainable increase of business volume

  • Respectful and empathetic style of management

  • Responsible leadership

Core competencies

Leadership & organization

One essential key step of success in companies are the organization of sales teams. Optimal leadership and development of Key Account Management Teams include coaching and teaching, but foremost appreciation and acknowledgement of team members, team processes and team success. My sales management includes the supervision of international sales organizations and branch offices, distributors and sales agents. Further, I offer foresightful decision making in and realization of relocation and integration of business units, if your company can benefit from structural re-organization.

Strategy & planning

My concept management includes development and implementation of national and global sales and marketing strategies. Market analysis and trend development ensure initiation and introduction of sales planning, operations and controlling.

Product & pricing

Value chain management offers high potential in optimization of competitive companies and businesses.Both, harmonization and implementation of international product portfolios within the marketing mix and optimal price & condition management help to increase benefit and output of your company.

Distribution & customers

Successful implementation of premium sales strategies needs excellent methodological procedures and the initiation and introduction of selective sales systems. The coordination of sales marketing, shop-in-shop systems and visual merchandising as well as the development and realization of sales, marketing and promotion concepts are fundamental key steps for a customer centred sales approach in your company.


Numerous successful projects have broadened my expertise of different approaches and proven methods to succeed in optimal business processes. These ensure the alignment and development of internal company processes and unravel hidden growth- and profit potentials. My core competency in the services of JL Consulting is the identification of your growth and profit potential and its most beneficial utilization for your company.

  • Management of international sales units, subsidiaries, distributors & sales representatives
  • Establishment of modern national and international sales structures and cultures
  • Building of a European key account management for e-commerce
  • Change management within traditional sales organisations
  • Integration of a foreign subsidiary into the German headquater
  • Development and introduction of standards for international commercial contracts
  • Regaining a premium position in the core market of Germany through the successful realignment of the sales strategy and organisation
  • Initiation and realisation of a sustainable eCommerce strategy
  • Definition and enforcement of a new international sales strategy
  • Introduction of a global key account strategy and key account management
  • Development of market entry strategies to tap international growth potentials
  • Implementation of an “Executive Sales and Marketing” tool
  • Design of a company-wide sales planning, management & controlling system
  • Design and implementation of a national price and conditions system with improved results
  • Realisation of national and international price increases in the double-digit percentage range
  • Roll-out of an international price and condition system across all distribution levels
  • Introduction of a globally comprehensive transfer price system
  • Internationalisation of a product range for online and offline marketing
  • Harmonisation of a European product range portfolio and marketing instruments with a contribution margin orientation        
  • “Vendor of the year” at through a premium-oriented e-commerce strategy
  • Successful negotiation and conclusion of a pan-European contract with Amazon
  • Increase in sales through sustainable new customer acquisition and distribution development
  • Introduction of promising sales structures in European and non-European growth markets
  • National enforcement of a contract-based, selective distribution system
  • Design of a selective distribution system for the European core markets
  • Implementation of a premium-oriented shop-in-shop and marketing concept

Get In Touch!

Feel free to get in touch with me via e-mail or phone so we can discuss how I can help you. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!